Ekskavators Ceļojuma reduktors

Travel Reducer & Ceļa samazināšanas pārnesumkārba

Excavator travel reducers, also known as travel motors or track drive motors, are essential components that enable the excavator to move and walk on different terrains. These reducers are responsible for converting the hydraulic power from the excavator's system into controlled walking motion.
  • With its durable construction and precision engineering, the Travel Reducer ensures smooth and precise movement of the excavator, enhancing its overall productivity. It effectively reduces the rotational speed of the motor to provide the necessary torque required for efficient digging and lifting operations.
  • The Travel Reducer is built to withstand heavy-duty usage and harsh working conditions, making it a reliable choice for construction, mining, and earthmoving projects. Its compact design allows for easy installation and maintenance, ensuring minimal downtime.
  • By investing in the Travel Reducer, you can expect enhanced operational efficiency, reduced wear and tear, and improved longevity of your machine. Trust in this top-notch component to deliver exceptional performance and maximize the productivity of your excavator.
Ekskavatora kustības pārnesumkārba
Ekskavatora kustības pārnesumkārba
Ekskavatora kustības pārnesumkārba
Brauciena samazināšanas pārnesums
Brauciena samazināšanas pārnesums
Brauciena samazināšanas pārnesums
excavator reduction gearbox
excavator reduction gearbox
excavator reduction gearbox

Veiktspēja un ilgmūžība

Key features of hydraulic walking reducers include:
Ekskavatoru pārnesumkārbu un pārnesumu piederumu izgatavošanas process parasti ietver šādus posmus:

Izstrādājiet un formulējiet procesa plānu, tostarp detaļu materiālu, izmēru un apstrādes tehnoloģiju.

Atsevišķu detaļu, tostarp zobratu, vārpstu, gultņu, blīvējumu un citu detaļu ražošana.
Apstrādājiet katru detaļu, ieskaitot virpošanu, frēzēšanu, slīpēšanu, urbšanu utt.
Zobrati tiek termiski apstrādāti, lai palielinātu to cietību un nodilumizturību.
Veikt zobratu precīzu apstrādi un zobu virsmu slīpēšanu, lai nodrošinātu to precizitāti un gludumu.

Pārnesumkārbas un pārnesumkārbas tiek montētas, testētas un regulētas, lai nodrošinātu veiktspēju un uzticamību.
Ceļojuma reduktors

How does a hydraulic travel reducer work?

A hydraulic travel reducer works by transferring hydraulic fluid from the excavator's cab to the track base while continuously rotating 360 degrees. This allows the excavator to move on various terrains by providing the necessary fluid supply to the track drive system.
The key components of a hydraulic travel reducer include:
  1.Rotary union - Allows the transfer of hydraulic fluid between the stationary cab and the rotating track base.
  2.Hydraulic motor - Converts the hydraulic fluid power into mechanical rotation to drive the excavator tracks
  3.Reduction gears - Reduce the high speed of the hydraulic motor to a lower speed suitable for the track drive system.
  4.Torque hub - Increases the torque of the fluid to provide the necessary force for the excavator's walking motion under heavy loads.
  5.The hydraulic fluid is pumped from the excavator's hydraulic system through the rotary union into the travel reducer. The fluid then powers the         hydraulic motor, which rotates the reduction gears and torque hub to drive the excavator tracks

Ekskavatora galīgās piedziņas hidrauliskā motora montāžas daļas numurs


Sazinieties ar mums
Kā profesionāls ekskavatoru šūpoļu gultņu ražotājs Ķīnā.Mēs varam piedāvāt vairāk nekā 1000 veidu šūpoļu gultņu, no kuriem varat izvēlēties.
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