Ložisko výkyvu Výrobca

The excavator slewing bearing with internal gear consists of a sturdy outer ring, internal gear teeth for rotational movement, precision ball bearings, and a robust inner ring. This design allows for smooth and controlled rotation, essential for the efficient operation of excavators.

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Excavator Swing Bearing

Swing bearings play an important role in the functionality and efficiency of excavators. Swing bearings act as the central pivot point between the superstructure and substructure, allowing for the smooth, precise rotational motion critical to tasks such as digging, lifting, maneuvering and supporting the excavator body, making them ideal for construction sites and construction choose. Field work. Various industrial environments.

Durability and reliability are critical to the overall performance of the equipment, which highlights the importance of quality slewing bearings to maximize productivity and minimize downtime.
When the excavator is operating normally, if the upper frame shakes up and down, loses balance, or makes friction, clicking or muffled sounds when rotating, the tracks and rolling elements of the swing bearing may be severely worn. The swing bearing of the excavator needs to be replaced.

Why choose us to replace your swing bearing

When it comes to spare parts for your precious excavator, quality must be your top priority. Our swing bearings are rigorously tested and meet industry standards to ensure optimal performance and service life.

Our company provides various brands of replacement excavator swing bearings, such as CAT, HITACHI, KOMATSU, KOBELCO, HYUNDAI, VOLVO, DOOSAN, JCB, CASE, SUMITOMO, LIUGONG, YUCHAI, XCMG. With over 1,000 different types to choose from, including standard and non-standard options, you'll have more than enough options to suit your specific needs.

Replacement Excavator Swing Bearings for Major Brands

Sufficient inventory, quality assurance, first-class service

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Characteristics of our excavator swing bearings in stock

Replacement Method for Ložisko výkyvu rýpadla

Kyvné ložiská sa široko používajú v mnohých veľkých stavebných strojoch a zariadeniach, ako je napríklad bežne používané rýpadlo. Vzhľadom na vysoké pracovné zaťaženie a zložité pracovné prostredie rýpadiel je poškodenie ložísk po dlhšej prevádzke nevyhnutné. Poškodenie výkyvného ložiska rýpadla sa vo všeobecnosti prejavuje ako abnormálny hluk, zvýšená vôľa, únik oleja na tesniacom zariadení atď. Ak sa po vyšetrení potvrdí, že ložisko je poškodené, je potrebné ho včas vymeniť.

Pripojte vonkajšie a vnútorné obežné dráhy otočného ložiska k hornému, resp. dolnému vozíku, odstráňte všetky olejové rúrky z otočného motora a utesnite hlavy olejových rúrok čistým plastovým vreckom. Zdvihnite horný pojazd pomocou žeriavu, uvoľnite a odstráňte skrutky vonkajšieho krúžku otočného ložiska a oddeľte horný a dolný pojazd.

Fault Inspection Of Excavator Without Rotation

Porucha rotačného rýpadla: Zistilo sa, že nedošlo k žiadnemu rotačnému pohybu, zatiaľ čo ostatné pohyby boli normálne.

When the operating handle is placed in the rotary position, the control oil reaches the control valve and pushes the rotary valve rod to feed the high-pressure oil provided by the rear working oil pump into the rotary motor; At the same time, the oil circuit that controls the oil return to the tank is cut off, increasing the pressure of the brake release valve, pushing its valve stem to allow another auxiliary pressure oil to enter the brake piston, opening the swing brake device, and causing the swing motor to act; The rotary motor outputs power through the small gear of the gearbox, which meshes with the rotary gear ring to generate a rotary motion.

Maintenance Of Ložisko výkyvu rýpadla

1、 Cyklus plnenia masla na otočnom stole rýpadla
Cyklus plnenia masla na otočnom stole rýpadla závisí od rôznych faktorov, ako je trvanie pravidelnej práce, vplyv pracovného prostredia a používanie rýpadla. Vo všeobecnosti je cyklus plnenia masla pre otočný stôl 300 až 500 pracovných hodín.

Často pracujúce rýpadlá sa musia častejšie plniť maslom, aby sa zabezpečila stabilita a spoľahlivosť otočného stola počas intenzívnej práce, a potenciálne pracovné riziká sa zodpovedajúcim spôsobom znižujú.
2、 Factors affecting the butter filling cycle of excavator turntable
Working time: The longer the working time of the excavator, the higher the frequency of using butter, and the corresponding reduction in the filling cycle.

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